About Komodaru for Kagamibiraki
= Sake barrel (made from Japanese ceder, bamboo, and polypropylene.)
Kagami biraki
= the ritual of breaking open sake barrels.
Kagami means ‘mirror’ and biraki means ‘opening’ in Japanese.
Historically, the mirror has been a symbol of harmony in Japan.
By opening the lid of sake barrels, people pray for well-being and happiness.
We break open the lid of the sake barrel with wooden mallets.
When we use?
Kagami biraki is usually performed at celebratory events such as New Year’s parties, weddings and sports events.
Recently,Kagamibiraki has gained the popularity among the younger generations.
Kagamibiraki could be created with any occasions.
Kagamibiraki could be created with any occasions.

Mini kagami biraki set is mini size komodaru for using at home party!
You could not only use Japanese sake but also use wine, juice, sweets, gifts!

Let's have a fun time with your family and friends!!
We have various designs.
Please pick favorite one!